Business, Marketing, & Communications
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(671)735‐0112 Ext. 0116 / 3025,
Tech Center Room TC1205
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TRANSFER INFOBusiness, Marketing, & Communications
The GCC Business & Visual Communications Department offers four degrees: Accounting, Marketing, Supervision & Management, and Visual Communications. Our programs are designed to provide the students with foundational knowledge and skills to enter the workforce and to advance as technology changes.
The GCC Advantage
The GCC Business & Visual Communications Department continuously strives to be at the forefront of technology. We provide students with the latest equipment and products that mirror real world experience. We combine comprehensive book knowledge with hands on components, so students have a visual connection with the applications before entering the workforce.
Academic Advising
The Business & Visual Communications Department is always ready to assist you. All of our faculty are ready to discuss your academic plan and career path. Please give us a call or email.
How Business & Visual Communications courses can help you in your career
Our courses are designed to take all students through an intensive array of classes that start from the very basic of skills related to industry and ending with the most technical or complex classes just before graduation. This ensures that a strong foundation is built, so the ever changing world of technology is easily adaptable and absorbed.
All courses offered in our department have clear and sound student learning outcomes (SLOs). Our faculty strive to assist you to achieve the course SLOs. Please refer to the course catalog for details on course SLOs.