Academic Advisement and Career Placement Office
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Main Page for Academic Advisement and Career Placement
Contact Us
(671)735‐5641 Ext. 0273
Student Center, Building 5000 , Room 5202
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TRANSFER INFOAcademic Advisement and Career Placement Office
Career inventories-interest, skills and work values
Resume reviews/writing
Interview tips/preparation
Career/Occupation Exploration
Job Searching tips
Referrals (Student must register with Academic Advisement & Career Placement (AACP) office, provide an updated resume, express an interest in job opening and provide a signed consent form before referring. Otherwise, a student can have their resume reviewed prior to directly applying to the employer and inform AACP if they are applying directly to employer.)
Career placement really begins with career planning. Whether you are a new or continuing student, starting fresh or making a career change, you need to understand your skills, interests and values before deciding your academic program or pursuing your career path. You also need to understand what knowledge, skills and abilities are required for your chosen career/occupation to obtain the training that can prepare you for the position. Students should conduct research on the companies/industries to understand their mission and goals, the type of job openings, application and job requirements and to learn about a company's culture. Understanding yourself, the market, and the industry, can help you better prepare (for job searching, resume writing, interviewing, etc.) and make an informed career decision.
LinkUp Student Showcase and Job Fair, Thursday, April 11, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., MPA (Building 400)
Guam International Film Festival - Film Club (February 2 - June 15) Target: High School Students
Skills Matcher by Career One Stop(Identify your knowledge, skills and abilities and match from 900 O*Net career occupations)
The Balance Careers(Careers, Resume Templates & Samples, Tips & Advice)
Academic Advising at GCC is a process that assists students in clarifying their life and career goals as they develop their educational plan. Since academic advising is also a decision-making process, ongoing communication is the responsibility of both the student and his/her advisor.
Academic Advising goes beyond requirements and registration. It is an educational and career plan developed between the student and the advisor.
Guam Community College partners with its students to succeed. This is reflected in the following activities:
Assisting students in clarifying, articulating, and attaining academic and life goals;
Facilitating each student’s academic adjustment to the campus;
Educating students to assess academic progress and develop appropriate educational plans;
Explaining and clarifying graduation requirements and academic rules and regulations;
Serving as advocates and mediators for students; and
Referring students to appropriate departments or programs to meet student needs.
The student is expected to meet with his/her academic advisor regularly to plan an academic program and review achievement.
Advisor assignments are made in accordance with the student’s program of study and are intended to be continuous throughout the student’s college career. If you do not know who your advisor is, log on to your MyGCC account, click on the “My Courses” tab, on the right side under “Academic Profile” click and select a term, the name of your advisor should appear towards the bottom. Or you may contact the Registrar’s office for assistance at 735-5531.